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In April 2021, I received Penn State Stuckeman School Diversity and Inclusion Fellowship and partnered with another fellow Rui Wang, a Ph.D. Candidate in Landscape Architecture. We created a project that focused on international students' experiences at Penn State Stuckeman School and promoted awareness for international education in the arts and design.


The reason we initiated this project is based on the absence of concerns in institutional studies and services intersecting fields of international education, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) services, and arts education. Not only do mainstream studies and services in international education and arts education overlook international students' experiences in the Fine and Applied Arts (Visual Arts, Design, Architecture), but international students are also not always considered an equity-seeking group in the EDI services (Tavares, 2021). 


The below presentation video gives a detailed overview of our fellowship project, including the background introduction, guiding questions for the project, timeline and work, and our findings and collaborations. For more details of our project, please go to our project website.


This video is part of the Center for Pedagogy in Arts and Design (C-PAD) presentation. For the full presentation with the Q & A section, please go to:

Reference: Tavares, V. (2021). Feeling excluded: International students experience equity, diversity and inclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education

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